Credit reporting policy
(including statements of notifiable matters)
This Credit Reporting Policy sets out how Peerless Products Pty Ltd ACN 004 681 869 ("Peerless Products", "we", "our" and "us") collects, uses, discloses and otherwise manages credit-related information.
For the purpose of this credit reporting policy, “credit-related information” means credit information and/or credit eligibility information as those terms are defined in Part IIIA of the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (“Act”).
Where we provide you with credit (in the form of us providing you with goods and/or services and allowing a time in excess of seven days for you to pay us for such goods and/or services) or where we are considering an application to provide you with credit, we may collect and hold various information related to your financial position and we are bound by the provisions of the Act and the Privacy (Credit Reporting) Code (“Credit Reporting Privacy Code”) that apply to credit-related personal information which we hold, use and disclose.
Please note that this does not apply to any foreign credit information or information provided to us by foreign credit providers. We will take all necessary steps to ensure that information we hold is not available to foreign credit reporting bodies or foreign credit providers.
Purposes of collection, use and disclosure
We may disclose your personal information to a credit reporting body for the purpose of obtaining from that body credit reporting information for a purpose related to the provision of credit to you in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Act.
This information includes: (a) your identity details; (b) the fact that you have entered into an agreement with us to purchase goods and/or services from us; and (c) the fact that we are a credit provider to you.
Credit reporting bodies will provide us with “credit eligibility information”. “CP-derived information” means any personal information derived from information provided to us by a credit reporting body (for example, a credit score).
We will collect your credit-related information if you apply for credit from us in relation to your purchase of goods and/or services from us on credit. We collect this information directly from you or from third parties including credit reporting bodies or other credit providers where permitted by the Act.
We collect and use your credit-related information in order to assess your financial position for our internal management purposes that are directly related to the management of our supply of goods and/or services, and where otherwise required or permitted by law.
We may disclose credit-related information about you to: (a) related bodies corporate, or a person who manages credit, to manage credit or for related internal management purposes directly related to the provision or management of credit; (b) external dispute resolution providers; and (c) other persons where required or authorised by law.
As a credit provider, we will provide you with access to the credit-related personal information we hold about you and the opportunity to correct such information in accordance with the policy that applies to personal information as set out above.
You may access our policy concerning the management of credit-related personal information by accessing our website from time to time; alternatively, you can contact our Privacy Officer (details set out below) to request a hard copy of our policy from time to time.
We may disclose repayment history information to the credit reporting bodies with whom we deal in accordance with the Act.
In accordance with the relevant provisions of the Act, we may also disclose to credit reporting bodies information about defaults on credit, except where an exception applies and where overdue payments previously disclosed by us to the relevant credit reporting body have been made.
Statement of notifiable matters under the credit reporting privacy code
Under the Act and the Credit Reporting Privacy Code, there are several ‘notifiable matters’ that we are required to disclose to you at or before the time of collecting personal information that is likely to be disclosed to a credit reporting body. Those matters are:
- the credit reporting body may include the credit information we provide to it in reports, which it then provides to other credit providers to assist those other credit providers to assess your creditworthiness;
- if you commit a serious credit infringement, we may disclose this to a credit reporting body;
- you can request a copy of this Credit Reporting Policy by contacting us, or obtain it directly from our website;
- you can request a copy of the privacy policy of any credit reporting body that we disclose your personal information to by contacting us or by contacting them directly;
- you have the right to access credit information we hold about you, request that we correct the information, and make a complaint as set out in the Credit Reporting Policy;
- you can request a credit reporting body not to use your credit reporting information for the purposes of pre-screening of direct marketing by us; and
- you can request a credit reporting body not to use or disclose your credit reporting information if you believe on reasonable grounds that you have been, or are likely to be, the victim of fraud.